Nine ways to create a successful Content Marketing Strategy Approach

To Create a Successful Content Marketing Approach, need to follow these Below Guidelines:

Strategic Digital Marketing & business process focused on creating & distributing valuable, relevant & consistent content to attract & retain a clearly defined audience and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

When content has done correctly, this helps to create a relationship with your audience, which leads to trust. Content Marketing is really just the art of communicating with your prospects without having to sell to them.

1.The Power of Storytelling:

Business storytelling is about creating the alignment between your business & your prospects & customers. The goal of storytelling is to make a human connection & help prospects make sense of decisions they are about to make. For a branding story, you need to understand the “The Golden Circle” rule, which will help you to create a mission statement & set the tone for all your content.

The Golden Circle is defined by ‘WHY’ (why are you doing, what you are doing?), ‘HOW’ (How will this help your audience?) & ‘WHAT’ (what are you offering?)

Each storytelling should have three Essential key Elements:

a) Characters:-

The character is the connection between you, the storyteller, and your audience and starts with buyer persona (this is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal buyer can help guide you to understand the goals & challenges that your character will face. Characters will be classified in terms of storytelling point of view like the first-person point of view (The character is yourself), the second-person point of view (The character is your audience) & the third- person point of view (He said & She said type of language)

 b) Conflict:-

The conflict is the lesson in how the character transforms through challenge & if your story lacks the conflict, then you are not telling the story instead you are telling a tagline, unique selling point, or a plain statement. Conflict should fit your prospect’s problems, prospects’ needs & prospect’s buyer’s journey.

C) Resolution:-

The resolution should wrap up the story but should also clearly call for the audience to action & it fulfills the purpose of the story. Storytelling best practices use content to create emotional appeal, be consistent & authentic & keep the story clear & concise.

2. Generate Content Ideas:-

A process allows you to think of ideas that may not be easily apparent. There are two ways to generate ideas for Content Creation:

  1. By Yourself
  2. Within the group

Nine ways to create a successful Content Marketing Strategy Approach

3. Plan a Long-Term Content Strategy:-

Planning provides a roadmap for your content & if you make a plan & are consistent in approach, then you are giving yourself the best chance at achieving ROI from your content efforts.

Three steps to create a long-term content plan:-

  • Setting marketing goals provides you long-term vision & short-term motivation & Each goal set should be a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Timely) goal.
  • Auditing or assessing your organization’s initiatives & assets:- Long-term content planning audit can be done by content audit (organize your content audit based on the content title, buyer’s journey stage, Marketing Funnel Stage & format or type of content) & event-based audit (organize your event based audit by upcoming priorities by month, Initiative overview, Theme, Prospective blog post topics based on your buyer personas & Inbound Marketing Campaign that ties your efforts together)
  • Identifying the buyer’s journey for your buyer personas:- You are creating content that meant to attract & pull your buyer personas through every stage.

4. Building a Content Creation Framework:-

A content creation framework should be repeatable, organized & agile. Follow these steps to build a framework for content creation:

  • Conceptualizing your content: the process of coming up with the appropriate ideas.
  • Planning & setting timelines: Start planning a timeline knowing which content offers to focus on each month will help organize your weekly content activities.
  • Creating a workflow: Content creation workflow should identify who is going to be doing what tasks, Identify outside influencers who will be contributing & have an intuitive breakdown of the work.
  • Reviewing & editing the content: Set clear expectations, Allow for multiple rounds of edits, Make suggestions by tracking the progress, determine editing timeline & use a document to track the changes.
  • Publishing & Promotion: Your promotion strategy should always be changing to reflect your business needs.
  • Organizing the content & store it internally: Content Management System (CMS)   is used to manage your content.
  • Analyzing content result: Google Analytics is a great example for understanding where the leads are coming from, what kind of device they are using, how long they are staying on pages & it can pull the custom, granular reports on your website traffic.

5. Become an Effective Writer:-

You need to learn to write content that is educational, follow personality & relevant to your audience. Effective writing core attributes include:

  • Attention-grabbing headline: Begin your writing by coming up with a working title.
  • Tone relevant to your readers: You want to match the attitude of your readers.
  • Help the reader do something: You first need to understand who your ideal buyer persona (reader) is.
  • Add to the conversation: needs to add something new to the conversation.
  • Write for the way people search: You should research the words people actually use to search & communicate.
  • One core idea: A clear piece of writing should have one main idea.
  • Supports your brand messaging values & strategy: Ask yourself, if this content supports the buyer’s journey.
  • Has a relevant call to action: You need to tell them what you want them to do next.
  • Free of errors & poor grammar: Refinement & polishing can be the difference between making & breaking the trust.

6. Extending the Value of Your Content Through Repurposing (shelf life of your content):-

Great content is the foundation of your Content Marketing Plan & it can take a lot of time & effort to create effective content on a consistent basis. Benefits & advantages of repurposing content give you another opportunity to rank in search engine results, Allows you to reach a new audience & support the consistency of your message.

Repurposing content strategies are bifurcated into two stages:

  • Content Republishing: The act of reposting your content, mainly blogs, on other websites with proper credit given to the original author. When republishing the content, make sure your SEO is not penalized.
  • Recycle: Effective recycled content is made up of Adjust (What needs to be added, removed, or re-worked), Combine (you may be able to combine related or unrelated content to provide new value & meaning) & Expand (is there any opportunity to expand the topic)

7. Effectively Promote the Content:-

Content promotion is the distribution of content through a variety of media channels. Content marketers can leverage promotion channels to connect with new audience members & prospects. Content promotion success relies on by driving the Website Traffic, improve audience engagement & aid buyers with purchase decisions.

Content promotion can be promoted in two ways:-

  • Organic Promotion Channel: Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, Social Media, Live promotions (events or webinars), Influencer networks & Word of mouth.
  • Paid Promotion Channel: Search Engine Ads (Google, Yahoo & Bing) & Social Media Ads (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest)

Key Areas to Optimize Content Promotion:

  • Reach: is used to measure the size of your potential audience & we can optimize the reach by including a link in the email signature, share content on social media, connect with industry influencers & always tell new people about the content.
  • Engagement: We can optimize for engagements by considering how the user is going to engage with the content, including relevant action words & make adjustments based on the platform being used.
  • Conversion: We can optimize for conversions by linking to the Landing Page for all of the promotional efforts & use a strong call to action.

8. Measuring & Analyzing the Content:-

Areas of focus for tracking & measuring the contents are Brand Awareness, Engagement, Lead Generation, Customer conversion & sales, customer loyalty & retention & website performance.

9. Develop a Growth Marketing Mentality:-

An integrated approach to growing the business & optimize content marketing efforts through constant testing across marketing channels. To develop a Growth Marketing mindset you need to know the marketing funnel, framework to properly operate & improve the marketing funnel & buy-in on instilling a growth mindset with the rest of the organization. By following these above guidelines, you can have a good mindset approach to drive successful content marketing in your business.

Need to know more stuff, how to proceed with the content marketing strategy approach headset, Please feel free to contact one of the trusted best Top 10 SEO Company in Bangalore.

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