Since the invention of Google and other search engines, SEO has played a major role in providing visibility to websites on the search results page. It has also evolved tremendously with constant updates and algorithm changes. 

Marketers need to keep their fingers on the pulse if they want their sites to rank well on the SERPs. While it was easier to rank on the top 10 years ago as there was not much competition, today, SEO works on 200 ranking factors, and given the competition out there, it is very tough to get where you want to be. 

So, SEOs need to have in-depth knowledge about how, why, what, and where of Search Engine Optimisation. Their experience also matters. Those who have been in the industry for more than 5 years will have known SEO by heart, all its techniques – both old and new. They are constantly updating their SEO skills to suit the current ranking needs. 

One thing that will make you a successful SEO is staying ahead of the trends. 

That means, just knowing all about SEO isn’t enough. You have to try and fail to find what works, predict outcomes, analyze results and devise strategies that work best for your goals. SEO services Bangalore can help you out with that. 

The topic of this debate is between knowing and doing. SEO nerd vs SEO hero. 

Who is better off and why?

SEO Nerd

A nerd is someone who reads a lot, studies a lot, and is into gaining knowledge through research. They know a lot about something and are inclined to know more. An SEO nerd can be someone who knows quite a lot about SEO that others don’t. And they use that knowledge to their advantage to hack their way into ranking, but may not be necessarily SEO specialists. 

One advantage of an SEO nerd is that they are familiar with all the changes that are happening in SEO and search engine algorithms. They are aware of the ranking factors, different techniques of SEO – both black hat and white hat, aspects of technical SEO, ways to hack their way into ranking for keywords, and more. They know exactly what keyword needs to be used for particular content and where to place them. They’ve got the brains. 

An SEO nerd may also know some secrets that could make their work a lot easier. But is it enough? While deep knowledge is certainly useful, it’s practice and years of experience that counts. Do SEO nerds have what it takes to predict outcomes? They may be logical in their line of work, but SEO also needs an analytical brain. In this case, an SEO hero jumps in to save the day. 

SEO Hero

An SEO hero is not only equipped with deep knowledge about SEO but also predicts, analyses and strategies according to specific goals and objectives to drive the most actionable results. A hero can identify the villains, which are, in this case, errors and threats to their websites, and fix them. 

A hero doesn’t always go by the rule or follow the textbook step by step. They think out of the box, come up with innovative ways to do things, and think from all perspectives. Unlike SEO nerds, they also think about the people who use search engines and come up with  SEO strategies to make the user experience better. To them, it’s not always about optimizing only for search engines. 

They know what works and what doesn’t, as they have years of practice in the field. They think about many variables before launching a campaign or working on ranking a keyword or just improving the site’s technical SEO. 

Now the question is, who do we need? An SEO nerd or an SEO hero?

SEO nerd vs SEO hero

Let’s compare the qualities of both – from the terminologies perspective: Nerd vs Hero

  • An SEO nerd knows everything but an SEO hero thinks from every perspective
  • An SEO nerd does by the rules but an SEO hero tries new things and thinks out of the box
  • An SEO nerd does it for the search engines or for him/herself but the SEO hero thinks about the people and searches engine users.
  • An SEO nerd is more logical than analytical but an SEO hero more analytical than logical in thinking. They are also more creative
  • An SEO nerd just does things but an SEO hero analyses and creates strategies. 
  • An SEO hero has more experience than an SEO nerd, which can be more advantageous as they are familiar with all the changes, best SEO practices, and malpractices
  • An SEO nerd may resort to black hat SEO when things go sideways and hack their way to the top, but an SEO hero does what is right and avoids mistakes. 
  • An SEO nerd may have more knowledge about SEO than heroes but may lack seeing things from different perspectives. 
  • An SEO nerd works with their brain whereas the SEO hero works with their skills and tactics.


In movies and fictional scenarios, sometimes the nerd who knows everything becomes the villain or the key to defeating the villain. The hero, as usual, does what’s right and puts the interest of his people before his own. Same way in SEO, the SEO hero does their work in the interest of search engine users so that Google can rank them well. 

It all comes down to providing content for the people, improving the website for the people, using keywords in the right place so that people can find you, and so on. Focusing only on pleasing the search engines can do more harm than good. 

The point is not who is better than the other or who we need, but rather which one works best in what situation. Therefore the best of both nerd and hero working together can drive great results. Put brain and skills together, you’ve got a superhero! An SEO superhero in this case. Or SEO hero geek. The point is to work with both your brain and your skills amassed from years of experience. So, if you’re looking for the best of both worlds, click here

Webi7 provides innovative and strategic SEO services in Bangalore. We are a bunch of creative digital marketers who combine the brain and skills to drive growth-oriented results. 


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